Elements is detecting an elevated level of debit card fraud among our members. Our team may contact you if suspicious activity is found on your account. To verify the communication, simply call the number on the back of your debit card. Please monitor your account activity and report anything unusual to Elements right away. Thank you for your cooperation. Learn more here.
An optional Total Loss protection coverage that can be added to your vehicle loan.
Depreciation Protection (DPW) provides protection on your vehicle equity and hedges against depreciation over the life of the loan. In the event of a total loss, DPW provides a waiver benefit equal to the difference between the vehicle value at the time of purchase, less the loan balance at the time of loss up to a minimum waiver benefit of $10,000, or the outstanding loan balance.
Protection for collision
Life of loan protection
No mileage or year restrictions
Protection for theft and fire
100% open enrollment
Protection for vehicle depreciation
Finance 90% LTV or less
Put money down
Trade-in a vehicle
Make accelerated loan payments
Need to protect equity
Our experienced, helpful member service team is ready to support you!
Watch a quick video about the benefits of Depreciation Protection from Elements. It's An optional Total Loss protection coverage that can be added to your vehicle loan.
Call us at 1-800-621-2105, ext 1 to get started. Have ready: Your government-issued ID (driver’s license, state ID, or passport), Proof of residence, Information on the loan you used to purchase the vehicle, if applicable
Take our call -We'll contact you within one business day after you submit your application to go over what documentation we'll need and to answer your questions. We’ll also ask for your vehicle’s value, make, model, year, mileage, and VIN if not provided on the application.
That’s it! -We'll contact you with a decision within 10 business days. Once your application is approved, we’ll contact you to sign documents and then you are protected with DPW!